Changing the world one frame at a time...

Yo Nicole! -- You are definitely staying one step ahead of the game launching this TV site - way to go! Best Wishes,

Jon Kelly, Vancouver, B.C. Canada

Congrats Nicole, the site is brilliant.


David C. Jones, Vancouver B.C. Canada

Hi Nicole, I enjoyed the video clips very much. I am amazed by your spoon bending. I am fascinated by the clips, they wonderfully resonated truth for me. I felt the video clips were short but it works really well with my internet connection. Loading and playing back problems are usually less when they are shorter.

Have a good one.
Love and Joy,

It shows promise. The old spiritweb had large archives of divergent spiritual discussion groups which I found interesting to watch from time to time unfortunately it is no longer around. So perhaps you can fill part of that void?

~ Robert W.

LOOKS WONDERFUL!! How exciting! Great shots! Good audio! Clear & interesting...

Luv Elizabeth, Maple Ridge, B.C.

This is very exciting Nicole. Keep us posted. ~

Becky, Vancouver, B.C. Canada

Very cool...:)

~ Rita R., Vancouver, B.C.

What an exciting new venture for you. I love it; ... it's fabulous!

Heather P., Burnaby B.C.

Nicole, Wow just looked at LCTV.. what a fabulous idea.. Saw you bending a spoon so I feel like I've met you now with the visual addition to our chat.

Big smiles...

Peta H., the U.K.

Hey; When are there going to be more clips on John Kehoe or clips about David Icke?

I check the site for updates all the time & it would help if someone could tell me roughly when they are going to be up ... it would really ease my anticipation :-) . You're doing great work, this reality is shifting so fast now its unbelievable.

I think networks like yours are a massive part of the tidal wave of information being requested and desired by the general public and soon as more of us change it will become more and more obvious that we were in control of it all


Hello Nicole and Peter; It was while Exploring different Plains of Existence that I Discovered your Vital Resource. My compliments on your site. When we share of the Self it is a Treasure beyond value. I enjoyed Discovering your Essence. May you be Bathed in Holy Light and have the Angels Teach your Soul to Fly. My name is Micheal. I am a Psychic and Spiritual Advisor in Hamilton Ontario Canada. Thank you for Lighting the Candle which is your site and sharing your Sacred Creativity. The Artistry of Life radiates like Moonbeams and Starlight from your web pages. I wish you a Light of Guidance that you may see your own Genius. May yours be a Blissful Realm of Esoteric Thought and Unified Consciousness.

Yours in Enviromental Integrity,
Micheal Teal

Dear TV people;

The opportunities you suggest in your email are available in a climate of
open media.

In China at present the Internet is vetted, as well as newspapers,
magazines, radio, tapes, cds, cinema, video, dvd and TV, most of which are
directly run by the Chinese Communist Party.

On 2nd April 2004, NTDTV launched its Asia transmission under private
contract with the European company EUTELSAT, which has shareholders in
France, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany and Italy.

The Government of China has put strong political, economic and extra-legal
pressures on the companies that cooperate with NTDTV to stop the broadcast.
Beijing is trying hard to maintain its information monopoly through
manipulation of the satellite industry, as well as through interference in
private contracts with European companies. EUTELSAT has recently informed
NTDTV that it will not continue broadcasting the channel to Asia via W5, one
of its satellite fleet.

This afternoon a legal action is being taken in Paris.

I wonder if you would pass this information on to any of you associate
TV/Internet companies?

As business people you may see the advantage in having China be free
media-wise. As people-people you may see the global moral and emotional
benefits of forwarding these human rights and freedom of information issues.

Thank you for trying to change lives.
Best wishes,

Damian Robin

Hi Nicole;

No doubt you will make this is as successful as your other site. Congratulations.

Have you considered a Flash player instead of a Real Player. Flash is inherent in basically any browser so everyone should be able to watch it; instead of people having to download the Real player if they have a Windows player.

Wishing you all the best,

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